Ma and Frankie
I wrote and directed this animated short series, called Ma and Frankie, with Guy Shelmerdine, which was part of Comedy Central’s Friday night line up on a show called Trip Tank.
NY based ad agency Mischief asked me to animate this simple and smart campaign to introduce Chill’s Football Happy Hour.
DJ McFancee Animated Short
I wrote and animated this short as a proof of concept when I pitched this idea to networks.
Twix Online Halloween Campaign
The client wanted to build off the brand’s popular Left Twix versus Right Twix campaign with something specific to the Halloween holiday. I was approached by their ad agency, BBDO, to direct the resulting campaign, The Twix Halloween Costume Hacks, as a series of animated shorts to run exclusively on Facebook. The real challenge on this project was to make the idea clear for the viewer in the short time frame, but subtle enough so that it’s entertaining. I think the simple functional animation that I used cut through an internet filled with competing brand messages.
Go Seek Online Campaign
Ad agency BarrettSF’s client GoSeek is a challenger brand in the hotel search site category and because of that they needed to create something that would stand out online. The agency hired me to animate and direct this campaign of 15 second spots running on Facebook and Youtube. The simple repetitive spots presented two kinds of cheap, good and bad to illustrate that Goseek is the former. Clem Bason, CEO of GoSeek remarked, “It’s extraordinarily difficult to stand out in the online travel category given that amount of ad spend by established players. But these spots stand out in a field of sameness, and we’re confident they’ll capture the attention of the value-conscious traveler, who truly is seeking out “Good Cheap” for their next trip.” Working closely with the creatives, I not only animated and directed the series of 15 second spots, but also wrote one of the spots.